CTTA Club Meetings
Let’s get together
All meetings at:
Charles Rummel
Community Centre
3630 Lozells Ave
Burnaby, BC
Doors Open 11:00
Meeting 12:30
Door Prizes, Sale Tables, Lots of Toys, & a Great Auction!
10 meetings a year!
Meetings are held the last Sunday of the month, from January to June, then September to November.
We break for the Summer and do NOT meet in July or August. Before we break at Christmas, we meet on the LAST Sunday a week BEFORE Christmas. (2023 meet will be December 17th).
A typical CTTA Club meeting features members table sales and swap meet, a full cold buffet lunch with dessert and coffee, business meeting, door prize draw, show and tell and then an auction.
Got a question ? Want to know more ? Drop us a line by submitting the form below. We’ll get right back to you.