Canadian Toy Train Association

Canadian Flyer

All issues of the Canadian Flyer feature: President’s report, door prize and raffle prize winner photos, upcoming events & club meets, Editor’s corner and always a few surprises!

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Here’s the newest issue! 

Canadian Flyer February 2025, V23.2

n this issue: 2025 Bus Trip highlights; new Atlas O Stock cars arrive; a look back in history; from the archives, thanks David Cook; inventor of the Rotary Snowplow – Carl Chancey; Railway Museum in Madrid, Spain – Ralph Spielman. 



2025 Canadian Flyer issues

COOTTS Vancouver Island News – Issue 4. Winter 2025.

2025 January CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 23.1

2024 Christmas meet and prize winners; North Pole Express at RMBC; in Memorium, Cliff Cox; 2025 Bus Trip; Providence & Northern Railroad Club visit by Carl Chancey; Ken Lockley layout; EEL line train and instruction sheet – Claude Martel.


2024 Canadian Flyer issues

2024 January CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 22.1

Our big December meet and jackpot of prizes; Ralph Spielman report on the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition in Birmingham, UK, and the Musee Rambolitrain in France; Don Miholovich running American Flyer Standard gauge trains in Seattle; Gord Barrett show & tell of rare Lionel Airex boxcars; CN  6400; John Warlimont’s uncataloged 1957 set; David Cook’s Zoltan Special Marx Blue Goose; Martin Howbold’s Christmas train, and more!

BONUS! COOTTS Vancouver Island News – Premier Issue. January 2024.

Thanks to Editor Ken Lockley

2024 February CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 22.2

CTTA Tribute to Gerry Shaw; January prize winners; CTTA Annual Bus Trip to the Great Train Show in Puyallup, WA., with stops at The Electric Train Shop and Eastside Trains; sightings from John Constible, Gerhardt Klann and Dan Gory; CTTA ZOOM update; Club Car first sighting, and more!

2024 March Canadian Flyer 2024, V22.3

More trains from Neil Whitehead at the meet; New custom runs, E-Z catch NAR box car; CP Canadian Apples MTH reefer show and tell with Jim Barrett; Terry Berg visits Larry Setterfield layout; Ralph Spielman flyby enroute to the VIA Canadian; Vancouver History test; Mark Horne rides ‘The Train at the End of The World’.

COOTTS Vancouver Island News – Issue 2. April 2024.

Thanks to Editor Ken Lockley

Canadian Flyer April 2024, V22.4

Cherry Blossoms Bloom for a Happy Easter Sunday; Jim Barrett Gilbert AF show and tell; CTTA at RMBC train show; BC-21 RDC-1 Budd Car ride; Robin Dodson & David Cook report from the East; Charles Reif – Hafner Canadian Flyer, CP in Canadian Rockies at Field, BC.; Passenger Club Cars announced. 

Canadian Flyer May 2024, V22.5

Kyle Miller tours VIA Rail The Canadian; Spring visitors – TCA PNW members David, Don & Ed join us for the meet and layout tour visits; Tweed Day; Robin Dodson at Great British Train Show in Brampton, ON; James Cook details an Atlas O Signal Tower; Mike Munk breaks out the vintage toys; Buy a Train Station; CP #2816 The Empress tour to Mexico; RMT announces special boxcar

Canadian Flyer June 2024, V22.6

NEW Atlas O PGE Club Cars – 60′ Passenger Cars; Spring BBQ; Dave Bonner visits Illinois Railroad Museum; CTTA layout at Burnaby in July; CTTA 50th Anniversary Club logowear merchandise now on sale!

Canadian Flyer September 2024, V22.7

First ever invite to a TTOS Canadian Division meet, March 31st, 1974. June meet BBQ and incentive draw; Summer ops – CTTA Modular Layout running at Burnaby Central Railway for 3 weeks. Atlas O PGE Boxcars delivered; CTTA 50th Anniversary logowear merchandise; Kyle Miller visits Train Mountain; American Flyer 1954 Flashback with Martin Howbold; More unusual sights aloing the way from members.

COOTTS Vancouver Island News – Issue 3. September 2024

Canadian Flyer October 2024, V22.8

2024 AGM and BBQ; Record Treasury auction; Anne Schmidt visits to sell some of Frank’s trains; 1953 price list; Ian Clarke 3D Chrysler Building; creation of Pennsylvania Station, thanks Ralph Spielman; In memorium, Brian Torch; CTTA layout at Lynden, WA.; January Bus trip registration is open – Gil Gillespie is driving!

Canadian Flyer November 2024, V22.9

2024 TCA Eastern Division YORK meet; Long awaited MTH PGE Crane tender announced; In memorium – Fred Webb; NJ Transit – Ralph Spielman; CTTA Modular layout at Vancouver Train Expo – Kyle Miller

Canadian Flyer December 2024, V22.10

2024 York highlights; Charles Reif visits ExpoRail in Montreal and rides VIA Rail The Canadian; Gordon Hall O gauge trains at RMBC North Pole Express; Trains seen along the way; Kyle Miller hosts November ZOOM meet.


2023 Canadian Flyer issues

2023 January CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.1

Tribute to passing of Neil Whitehead, Mike Brown; Mark Horne Europe Tour; Jim Barrett Christmas open house; Member’s new layouts under construction; North Pole Express at RMBC; Order PGE Atlas O 40′ Steel reefer.

2023 February CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.2

Bus Trip to the Great Train Show. Two new Club Cars! David Cook’s amazing Custom Marx Trains.

2023 March CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.3

Highlights from Feb meet and march ZOOM meet; Monroe, WA, train show and fun; more train shows coming; custom Canadian cars from others; Interventions feature by Charles Reif.

2023 April CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.4

Full House at the March meet; New Standard Gauge train for Club Layout; Dave & Robin in Kitchener; tribute to Jorge Beristain; CTTA layout at Sea to Sky Model Train Show; an unexpected prototype, Charles Reif; Brian Dziewinski layout build.

2023 May CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.5

Launch of new CTTA Mobile-first Web site; New Atlas O PGE Livestock Car announced; Gordon Hall custom BC Rail passenger cars; Mike Munk prewar American Flyer restoration; Tom Modica visit to the S gauge Woodinville Woodshed Wailwoad; Charles Reif, Seattle Car & Foundry catalog.

2023 June CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.6

O scale brass estate sale; Member’s models and layout pics; A Day Out With Thomas at RMBC Squamish; Brian Beard – O gauge layout and full size Firetruck Museum; tribute the masterful models of Jorge Beristain.

2023 September CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.7

June meet BBQ and incentive draw; Summer ops – CTTA Modular Layout running at Burnaby Central Railway for 3 weeks – tinplate madness! CN Family Day returns – CTTA is there; From the archives; Dan Gory trucks project; Collecting: A recollection by John Constible.

2023 October CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.8

AGM & BBQ; Martin’s workbench; Tinplate treasures – Charles Reif, David Cook; CTTA North America September ZOOM meet report; CTTA at Lynden, WA. Train show.

2023 November CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.9

Oct. York show and fun; Vancouver Train Expo – CTTA returns with modular layout; Fall BBQ; 1950 Department Store trains; Bus Trip sign up now open.

2023 December CTTA Canadian Flyer Vol 21.10

Big November meet features some unique items; Kyle & Gordon at North Pole Express runing at RMBC in Squamish; 1940 retail price list; Kitsilano kitchen; Tinplate biscuit tins; James Cook Ice House; Seen along the tracks.




2022 Canadian Flyer issues

2022 January CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.1

Christmas meet. New MTH Club Car – Victoria & Sidney Railway Phoenix Brewing beer reefer; ZOOM meet highlights; Gordon Hall CTTA display at Railway Museum of BC North Pole Express event. Member layout updates; Bus trip cancelled.

2022 February CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.2

New MTH Reefer announced, Victoria & Sidney Railway Phoenix Brewing; Terry’s Tailgate Show & Tell; Amherst Show & Charles Ro visit; Layout visits – John Constible, Kyle Miller. Lionel 2432 Vista Dome or Astra Dome? BCER 153 at North Vancouver Museum; Real sectional track laying; Italian high speed trains.

2022 March CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.3

Frank Schmidt & Charles Reif – Prewar Canadian Tinplate Trains show & tell; Moosehead Beer hats to go with your Reefer; Gordon Hall custom paint jobs; Play Date at Burnaby Central Railway Mar 26; Classic 1865 poster and vintage trains.

2022 April CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.4

Health restrictions ease for meets; CTTA Play Day and Spring BBQ at Burnaby Central Railway; new BC Electric SW-8 diesels have arrived; James Cook Truss Bridge conversion, David Gerancher CP Caboose conversion; Dan Gory Alco build; Club Car previews; Ontario Report from Robin Dodson & David Cook.

2022 May CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.5

Return of the Americans! Tom Modica returns and Ralph Spielman visits; Departure of Gary &  Katelon to AB; Vies Szalanski Show & Tell; Robin Dodson Ontario Report; Layout & train display news from Brian Dziewinski, James Cook, David Cook; Scale length tinplate passenger service, Charles Reif; CP TEC train; Kyle goes south to FL, Mark & Tom go North to Alaska.

2022 June CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.6

First ever May BBQ. Lionel Classic treasures; Gordon Hall custom PGE passenger train; Swap meet coming at BCR June 17; David Cook custom Marx trains; Gerry Shaw’s Port Moody Station; Brian Dziewinski builds a big new layout. Engine No. 374 Steam up in Yaletown.

2022 September CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.7

Hot Summer, hot cars and hot new trains! CTTA layout breakout with BCSME in Burnaby. Fall Sea to Sky Train Show in Squamish. Lionel PGE and CN engines arrive. Dan Gory Odyssey.

2022 October CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.8

AGM and fall BBQ; Member’s classic cars; John Constible Standard Gauge showcase; Lynden, WA show; Trains from the east; Visit to Burnaby Central Railway.

2022 November CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.9

North America ZOOM Meeting Nov. 6; Jim Barrett Prewar Chicago Flyer show & tell; York fun at B&O Museum Tour,  Strasburg railway ride, Pennsylvania Museum; Dan Gory makes a CN Northern; Vintage locos and timetables; Charles Reif Prewar tinplate – ‘This Bud was for me’; Dave and Robin in Kitchener; Charles Reif – Vancouver, Victoria & Eastern Railway.

2022 December CTTA Canadian Flyer V20.10

Tribute to passing of Frank Schmidt. Show & Tell: Gord Barrett PGE Custom weathered 2-8-0, Dave Walker CN Mikado, Dylan Bohaychuk Big Valley Station; multiple custom builds; Layout visit with Sid & Ollivia Ball; 6400 Ride on train at Eaton’s and at Canadian Museum of Science & Technology.

2021 Canadian Flyer Issues

2021 January CTTA Canadian Flyer V19.1

Transformer load flatcars from MTH are on the way! Train Wheel of Fortune debut! Layout Corners – British theme with Robin Dodson; Super O goes to another level with Dan Gory; Standard Gauge rises with John Constible.  Trainspotters gems – Brian Dziewinski, Ralph Spielman & Dave Emmington. Early Christmas Trains from Gord and Jim Barrett, Kyle Miller.

2021 February Canadian Flyer V19.2 

Zoom Meet show and tell; BCE Transformer cars from MTH now on delivery; New Club Car announcement – British Columbia Railway Airslide Hopper. Layout Corner  CN E3 passenger set, Melrose Station, Kyle Miller. Depressed flatcar kitbash with cable wheels, Tom Modica. Colourized streetcar video in Vancouver 1907. Arby’s meet .

2021 March Canadian Flyer V19.3

Feb Zoom meet Show & Tell. Mark Horne announces the end of an era. Moving Port Moody Station: Kyle Miller & Charles Reif; Members modelling, layout and trackside adventure showcase. Last call for Atlas O Airslide hoppers!

2021 April Canadian Flyer V19.4

March Zoom meet Show & Tell. Passing of Larry Woolward. Mark Horne announces a new MTH SW-8 Locomotive Project! Gordon Hall custom  painted CP diesels. Terraplane diecast and the real thing. CPR Paddle wheelers. More real and custom painted O gauge BC Electric. Mark Horne hits 1 year of layout pics!

2021 May Canadian Flyer V19.5

April ZOOM meet and show & tell. Passing of Ted Monck. New Engines on Kyle’s and Gordon’s layouts. Mark Horne announces a new Club Car project, MTH Victoria Terminal Railway & Ferry Co. SW-8 Locomotive still available. Show news! Layout pics from members. Announcing ‘Canadian Prewar Toy Trains’, by Frank Schmidt and Charles Reif.

2021 June Canadian Flyer V19.6

NEW Club Cars announced! Moosehead Reefer and Canadian Northern Gondola from MTH. Return to the LaBounty Ranch for our May meet. Riding the rails on Mark Hornes layout. Gordon Hall refurbishes the HO layout at the railway Museum of BC. New book ‘Canadian Prewar Toy Trains’, by Frank Schmidt and Charles reif, is available to order NOW!

2021 September Canadian Flyer V19.7

Return to Charles Rummel for September meet and AGM. June meet at Labounty Ranch. Keith Herndier’s Russian Moskobel set. NEW Lionel Legacy PGE 2-8-0 Steam Locomotive from Mr. Muffin’s announced! Atlas O PGE tanker on its way. Passing of Gail Ferrier, Ken Klein and Doug Crowdy. Robin Dodson Swiss Train Tour adventure. 2nd annual CTTA Day at Railway Museum of BC on Sept 11.

2021 October Canadian Flyer V19.8

First report from new CTTA President Kyle Miller. Return to Charles Rummel Community Centre. Happy Birthday Mark! Show & Tell: Jim Barrett’s 1936 Lionel Blue Streak. Reg Partridge Standard Gauge. Frank Schmidt Lionel 700E kit build. Zoom meet summary. Lionel HO layout. Jim Barrett Halloween, Terry’s Tailgate – Tom Modica sighting! Dan Gory CPR F7 build.

2021 November Canadian Flyer V19.9

CTTA returns to YORK, PA! First unrestricted meet since March 2020 draws 57 members; Tales from Terry’s Tailgates; Tinplate treasures found by Charles Reif; Boxcar showcase, Dan Gory; Historic train sightings; Train shows and Bus trips are GO!

2021 December Canadian Flyer V19.10

Christmas Raffle and Door Prize winners; Members Special Club Car announced – MTH PGE Russell Snowplow; In Memoriam – passing of Gary Sagar; North Pole Express Christmas trains running weekends through to Dec 19 in Squamish at RMBC; Trains shows in Ontario; Bus trip registration now open.

2020 Canadian Flyer Issues

2020 January CTTA Canadian Flyer – V18.1

Hot Wheels at our meets. CN #6520 reveal.  Great Western Railway Museum, UK, by Ralph Spielman. Toppenish Train Museum, WA by John Black. CP Armed Forces Tribute locomotives. Photos from 2020 Bus Trip to Great Train Show, Puyallup.

2020 February CTTA Canadian Flyer – V18.2

Jim Flett estate sale; CTTA rings and bling; Modern American Flyer by Ed Stephens; Jorge Beristain scratch-built O scale Penticton Station; From the Archives, Mark Horne and Charles Reif first layouts; Mike Munk builds anew; Dan Gory custom builds of CP diesel power.

2020 March CTTA Canadian Flyer – V18.3

Scratch built 2816 Empress and CP passenger train by Don Hough; Scratch built Partridge Station by Jorge Beristain; Layout Corner with Tom Modica; News from the East; Custom builds and paint by Thomas Madsen and Dan Gory.

2020 April CTTA Canadian Flyer – V18.4

Flashback edition of ‘The Car Barn’ club newsletter from 1987. Robin Dodson – collecting USTTC trains. Layout corner with Mike Munk, Jim Sutherland – Mrs. Sudds’ diner. Trainword presents CTTA! Gordon Hall custom paints and Dan Gory kitbashes a postwar Berkshire to a Mountain. Custom Marx builds by Charles Reif and David Cook. Alan Hough’s 2-rail O scale layout. Ralph Spielman and the moonlighters arrive on the VIA Canadian.

2020 May CTTA Canadian Flyer – V18.5

April 26 ZOOM e-meeting report. NEW Club Car – BCE depressed centre flatcar with transformer load. Time for a trackside picnic with Kyle: new layouts rising with James Cook and Tom Mower; Charles Reif rolls a Zeuke; Postwar Berkshire transformation by Dan Gory; emergency Arby’s train meet with Terry Berg; E-Z mountain module by Gail Schmidt; Tom Modica’s first train.

2020 June CTTA Canadian Flyer – V18.6

June Club Social meet at Labounty farm; May 31 ZOOM e-meeting #2 report; Club car announcements – BCER flatcar with transformer, PGE Crane Tender; Red Hot & Cool Blue trains – Tom Modica; Preview of Martin Howbold’s Eisenbahn Bunker; Phil Hastings Bates Motel; More USTTC coaches – Robin Dodson; Mike Wolf retirement announcement; Lighthouse and Bluenose corner – Kyle Miller.

2020 Summer BONUS edition Canadian Flyer

Report: June Club meet at Labounty farm; June 28 ZOOM e-meeting #3; September AGM and election; In memorium – James Johnson; Bridges over troubled layout – Mike Munk; A visit to the West Coast Railway Park – Gavin Senft; Rare train photos – Tom Modica, Mark Horne

2020 September Canadian Flyer – V18.7

AGM and election takes place Sept 27 at Labounty Farm. Garden Railway Tailgate social at Gordon Hall’s. New MTH BC Hydro diesels now rolling on member layouts. Seen along the way with Terry Berg, Doug Smith. Wreck on the KVR Naramata section, Charles Reif.

2020 October Canadian Flyer – V18.8

AGM report and pics. Your Executive has been re-elected for the upcoming year! Hornby 100th anniversary cupcakes. Gordon Hall BC Hydro custom cabooses. Brian Beard layout corner. David Cook custom Marx engine. The EEL Line: A Canadian toy train story by Charles Reif.

2020 November Canadian Flyer – V18.9

October meet at the Labounty farm. New Club Car announced – PGE diesel fuel tanker from Atlas O. Happy Halloween with Jim Barrett and his prewar classic trains. A Canadian’s act of bravery, a story of CP Partridge Station by George Plant.

2019 and Previous Canadian Flyer Issues

2019 January CTTA Canadian Flyer – V17.1

Annual Bus Trip to the Great Train Show in Puyallup Jan 19. CTTA members Gordon & Kyle at Squamish for Polar Express. Mark Horne open house operating session Dec 26. Paul Curtis layout corner. From the East – David, Robin and Richard. In memorium, member Bruce Fowler. Altoona Salad Collage by Tom Modica.

2019 February 2019 Canadian Flyer – V17.2

Bus trip to Puyallup Great Train Show pics. Collecting Trains: An Appreciation, by John Constible. John transitions his layout to Standard Gauge.

2019 March Canadian Flyer – V17.3

Happy 12th Anniversary: Sid & Olivia, Gary & Katelon. Jim Barret’s 4-rail prewar American Flyer. White Pass & Yukon refurbishment tour & at Skagway; Tom, Mark & Gary. From the Archives – a new feature! Treasure finds and oddities.

2019 April Canadian Flyer – V17.4

Mark Horne arrives straight Out of Africa, with pictures of the Victoria Falls Dinner Train – and others! COOTTS coverage from April meet; Bob Garton with steam and diesel identity plates; You CAN take it with you ! Building a layout in a mobile trailer, by Ed Santor. White Pass & Yukon renovations – part 2, from Tom Modica.

2019 May Canadian Flyer – V17.5

Announcing a very unique Club Car – British Columbia Market Co. Ltd. from MTH. Jim Ervin’s 1957 Eatons Super Chief ride ticket at Eaton’s.  Bob Garton show and tell – Loco Builders photos and lithograph. LCAC F3 shell coming to June meet. Jim Flett Memorium. Larry Setterfield’s new layout – Doing it right – again!

2019 June Canadian Flyer – V17.6

Welcome Tom Mower from Quesnel and Dan Gory from Gibsons. Jorge Beristain’s scratchbuilt O scale CPR Sicamous Station. Club proposal for CTTA rings and pendants. O gauge Tinplate trains by the ‘Unique Art Manufacturing Co.’, WCRA presentation by Ryan Cruickshank. Greetings from the east. Gordon Hall open house for Railway Modelers meet of BC.

2019 September Canadian Flyer – V17.7

Summer BBQ highlights; Ken & Lois Lockley host a Summer BBQ in Victoria; Robin Dodson finds Mallard #4489 at ExpoRail. David and Gail Cook visit Palmerston, ON; Mike Munk visits Williams Lake. 1950’s train commercials; Masterful modelling and beer trains!

2019 Summer BONUS Edition

We made new friends and enjoyed trains of 6 different gauges, as we displayed and operated our layout for 3 consecutive weekends in August at the Burnaby Central railway with the BC Society of Model Engineers. CTTA operations, including Thomas, Garden Railway G scale and O scale; BCSME 7 1/2 inch gauge live steam minirail. Special report by Kyle Miller

2019 October Canadian Flyer V17.8

Jim Barrett layout visit – prewar & tinplate treasures; Annual General Meeting coverage; rare sightings; Club car prototypes; adventures in Canadian diecast; A British – Canadian Mystery, by Charles Reif.

2019 November Canadian Flyer V17.9

Jorge Beristain scratch-built Banff Station, show & tell with Dave Scott; TCA York meet; Jim Barrett – more pre-war treasures; Vancouver Train Expo in pictures; Order NOW ! MTH BC Hydro MP-15 diesel.

2018 Canadian Flyer issues

2018 January CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.1

The Xian Warriors by overnight train – a feature by Frank Schmidt. MTH White Pass & Yukon reefer Club Car announced. Last call for the bus trip to the Great Train Show in Puyallup, WA. Pics from from November meet,  WCRA Polar Express and member’s submissions. Jorge Beristain Sicamous Station model. A.C. Gilbert Erector set #9 for sale.

2018 February CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.2

Auction and table sales process reminder; Monroe, WA show; Alan Cruickshank tribute; Jim’s 100 year old Lionel train; Puyallup, WA Great Train show in pictures; Oregon Rail heritage Centre in Portland; MTH White Pass & Yukon reefer Club Car available to order;  Pics from from January meet; Visit to Zurich with Mark Horne.

2018 March CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.3

Trains galore! Local shows see Mark in Denver and Robin in Ontario. Sights of RS-3 #561 and Swiss engineering. MTH White Pass & Yukon reefer Club Car available to order;  Pics from from January meet; Visit to Zurich with Mark Horne. PGE Cranes seen in action on member layouts.

2018 April CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.4

PGE RS-3 diesels have arrived. Fun with your model railroad circa 1949; Western rails 2018 in Burnaby; TTOS PNW in Bellingham; Atchelitz Threshermen layout in Chilliwack; Thomas Madsen’s custom built WP&Y Alco locomotive; A gallery of Japanese Trains.

2018 May CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.5

PGE RS-3 diesels delivered. Announcing a second BC Electric reefer from MTH, this one in green. Hornby for Canada, Frank Schmidt. Great British Train show in Ontario, Robin Dodson. Calgary Supertrain, Gerhardt Klann. Rod Hugh Erector set builds. Classic CP coaches.

2018 June CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.6 

Overdue MTH BC Electric (yellow) reefers arrive. Order your upcoming Green BC Electric reefers now. Welcome Tom Mower from Quesnel! Day out with Thomas and PGE RS-3 diesels in Squamish. Earl Labounty’s nice layout and super backdrop. Lionel service bulletin for recent Mogul release. Flyerholics video from Ed Stephens. Wacky trains to model.

2018 September CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.7

Annual General Meeting and Fall BBQ. BCE green reefers and WP&Y reefers shipping soon. Robin Dodson’s B-day present, and new train room; Trains n’ Brains; Alberta Freemo in HO; Dan Gory & friend in Cranbrook; Kyle with engines big & small in Squamish.

2018 October CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.8

Annual General Meeting, BBQ and election of officers. Layout Corner – Gary and Katelon Zabenskie. Mount Cheam Lions train and hobby show (Chilliwack).  Vancouver Train Expo. Great Train Show bus trip. Jorge Beristain Sicamous Station in O gauge. Russian train crash video from Terry Berg.

2018 November CTTA Canadian Flyer – V16.9

York group report and pics; BCE green reefers are here and WP&Y are on the way; special deal for members on upcoming PGE side dump car. CTTA at Vancouver Train Expo. Report from the East – David, Robin and Richard.  Bus Trip to the Great Train Show in Puyallup Jan 19.

2017 Canadian Flyer issues

2017 January CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.1

Upcoming auction items from Bill Stephenson collection. Video link for railway snowplough fanatics, photo link for historic PGE and BR rail passenger services. Club Car order forms for new Atlas O diecast PGE 2-bay Hopper & MTH BCE Reefer. CTTA member Frank Schmidt tours the Marklin factory in Germany. Williams O scale 44 ton switcher released in classic Canadian National green and gold.

2017 February CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.2

Last call to order PGE hopper from Atlas O. Pics from World’s Greatest Hobby train show and CTTA bus trip to Puyallup, WA. Christmas trains at West Coast Railway Heritage Park. Looking for Mamook Models signs. Martin’s Christmas prize. Jim Southerland layout corner and Family Day layout action in Colwood. COOTS update.

2017 March CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.3

Children win at the meet. CPR Yoho station scratchbuilt by Jorge Beristain. Clark Gray recalls beginnings of Canadian Division & 1980s photo. Dave Cook in St. Catharines, ON. Tribute to Ted Diakow. Mamook Models signs. Kitbash Corner from Charles Reif and Dan Gory. 44 tonners.

2017 April CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.4

Tinplate workshop restoration, John Constible. American Flyer set box show & tell – ‘The Wrong Christmas’, by Frank Schmidt. In memory of Gunther Sage. Whodunnit part 2 – more handcrafted billboards.

2017 May CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.5

Gunther Sage estate sales and donations to the club. Jorge Beristain scratch build of CP Yale portable passenger station. Dan Gory kitbash conversion of MTH CP F3 to F7. Layout projects underway from Mike Munk & Kyle Miller. Vancouver Island group layout action at Buccaneer Days in Esquimalt. Other treasures sought and found!

2017 June CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.6

Join us for our annual Summer BBQ at the June meet before we break for the Summer. Kit bash special – the first dome car?  2017 Club cars are SOLD OUT!  Other treasures sought and found!

2017 July CTTA Canadian Flyer – Canada 150 edition!

Our annual Summer BBQ at the June meet was a hit. Announcing our 1st locomotive project – an MTH Pacific Great Eastern RS-3. Special member deal on a PGE Crane car. Hornby trains in Glasgow – Jim Barrett.  COOTTS Marches on – meeting dates. The beginnings of rail container shipping. If Trains Could Talk – feature article by Frank Schmidt.

2017 September CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.7

Notice of Motion for Annual General Meeting. 2017 Club cars from MTH and Atlas O are on their way. New trains in Hawaii, Stu Jackes. Greetings from the countryside, Ian, Vies and Robin. The Canada 150 train – Vintage CP FP-7 A-B-A in Port Moody with Kyle Miller. At ease Sailor! – Fred Webb retires. A visit to the heavyweight Venosta and the Port Moody Station Museum, by Kyle Miller. Link to diecast vehicles, Tom Modica.

2017 October CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.8

Annual General Meeting, BBQ and election of 2017-2018 officers. 1st batch of 2017 Club cars from MTH have arrived, Atlas O hoppers have arrived. Words to live by. A Canadian accessories mystery solved, follow up from June 2016, Lee Weir. Tinplate prototype, Robin Dodson.  BC historic train collection in jeopardy. Links to MOW equipment pics and historic Arbutus line video, Tom Modica.

2017 November CTTA Canadian Flyer – V15.9

Vancouver Train Expo! Gord Hall is featured in the Vancouver Sun. Pictures and treasures from York. American Flyer ‘O’ set show & tell, Jim Barrett. January bus trip to the Great Train Show in Puyallup, WA. Photos from other fall shows  & events – CN Family Day, WCRA Mini-rail, Mt. Cheam Lions Club, York. COOTTS meet Dec 3. British Steam video. Help solve the Mystery Platform.

2016 previous issues

2016 January CTTA Canadian Flyer

Lots of Christmas door prize winners. Puyallup bus trip pics. Coots meet. Moving Port Moody station down the tracks. Live steam days in Germany. Peekaboo streamliner.

2016 February CTTA Canadian Flyer

John Clifford’s fanciful handiwork and custom trains. About multiple-chime diesel airhorns. Unexpected tin-plate finds in Victoria. Order forms for B/A ‘bowtie’ logo tanker and E&N 36′ woodside reefer CTTA club cars. Bitter Creek Western live steam meet video. Stu Jackes weathering and painting. Pics from Museum of Transportation, St. Louis, MO. Passing of ‘Sir Handy Boo Boo’ Robert Hammond.

2016 March CTTA Canadian Flyer

Neil McKenzie’s prewar Hornby O gauge gets the white glove treatment. A chocolate train arrives in time for Easter. Tom Mower’s layout in Quesnel. Layout corner: John Constible’s collection. Return of the Flying Scotsman. CPR locomotive types. TOFC possibilities, Peter Tofield. The Million Dollar Hobby Railroad. Last call to order 2016 Club Cars : B/A bowtie tanker and E&N reefer.

2016 April CTTA Canadian Flyer

Ed Stephens models some extremely collectible American Flyer wear. Great Water Fight ended railway venture into Bellingham. Atlantic Coast Line railroad museum pics by Mark Horne. Ferrocarril de Santa Ria coaches pics from Did Ball. Scratchbuilt model of the Boise Depot by Jorge Beristain. Last call to order 2016 Club Cars : B/A bowtie tanker and E&N reefer.

2016 May CTTA Canadian Flyer

Club Car report: E&N Reefers from MTH sold out. B/A Tankers from Atlas O, just a few left. Lots of unusual and interesting tinplate at the meet – photos. Honolulu HART – update from Stu Jackes. Nanaimo CP Train Excursion. Wallace B. Chung historical collection of Canadian Pacific, Chinese immigration and Government artifacts, a free exhibit at UBC. Story and pictures by Kyle Miller. Steam loco mishaps.

2016 June CTTA Canadian Flyer

Meet our newest member, Conductor Carl. Robin’ Dodson’s pics from the National Railway Museum in York, UK. Tom Modica trackside pics from Rome. Island Group layout in action at Esquimalt Buccaneer Days and Victoria train show. MTH Esquimalt & Nanaimo Club Car has arrived! John Constible finds a super rare 1660 crane car in prewar set 8040. Toy Train track museum. Whodunnit of Canadian tinplate accessories from Lee Weir.

2016 September CTTA Canadian Flyer

Notice of the CTTA 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and election of executive. Bruce Fowler hosts TTOS NWD meet and shows his Hornby layout & collection. Highlights from Kyle Miller’s trip to the Canadian Railway Museum in QC. Upcoming events.

2016 October CTTA Canadian Flyer

Executive returns after AGM election. CTTA bids farewell to member Bill Stephenson after more than 40 years in the club. Club Car announcement, new Atlas O diecast PGE 2-bay Hopper. Plans updated for annual bus trip to Puyallup. Highlights from CN Family Day at Thornton Yard. Link to Lionel Customer Service videos. Pics from Lynden show, Kyle Miller’s trip to the Toronto Railway Museum. Upcoming events.

2016 November CTTA Canadian Flyer

Club Car announcement, new Atlas O diecast PGE 2-bay Hopper. CTTA members travel to TCA Eastern Division YORK, PA train show. Pics from there and Steamtown at Scranton. Remembering Frank Teoli. Father John retires. CTTA layout and Gord Hall layouts at Vancouver Train Expo. Dave Cook at the Ontario train shows. More Bill Stephenson collection items at auction at the November meet.

2015 Monthly Flyers

2015 January CTTA Canadian Flyer– New CTTA Web site update, call for pictures. Puyallup show update & pics. COOTS in Nanaimo. Gord Hall’s layout at WCRA Polar Express event. Passing of Roger Frisson. CPR vintage sign. European Tinplate Update – Michael Holzschuh. David Cook & Gail Ferrier report from the Eastern Front.

2015 February CTTA Canadian Flyer
– Rare pre-war trains available at auction. Vintage transfer table photo. Layout corner – Charles Reif. Layout corner – John Constible. 6 questions. Mystery car – O gauge Pay Car.

2015 March CTTA Canadian Flyer
– Munroe show layout pictures. Big diesel power. Darth Vader Train. Calgary ‘Supertrain’ show exhibitors list. Pennsy adventures in railroading, rubber tired switchers. Tinplate in Bad krozingen, Michel Berthet.

2015 April CTTA Canadian Flyer
– Web site workshop and call for pictures by Kyle. Fall “Cameron show” – Vancouver Train Expo – relocates to PNE. Cal Stewart North report and pictures. Announcement BC Rail RDC cars by Sunset models / 3rd rail extremely limited run. The origin of US standard railroad gauge. Vancouver Island group layout photos. CTTA Spring Club Car, a Weaver Canadian National Railway flatcar with a White Pass & Yukon Railway trailer. David & Gail’s Excellent Adventures in Ontario – the Kitchener Toy Train Show at Bingeman Centre.

2015 May CTTA Canadian Flyer
Club Car update for the Weaver White Pass & Yukon Route TOFC and Sunset/3rd Rail BC Rail BUDD cars. Nickel Plate Berkshire #765 keeps on truckin’. TTOS Island Group history, 1980’s at Bill Stephensons. Steam in China, videos from Hami. John Constible’s Standard Gauge ‘Wall of Trains’. Prize and auction preview for June COOTS meet. Charles Reif’s BC Railroads survey. World’s simplest electric train.

2015 June CTTA Canadian Flyer
1st delivery of Weaver White Pass & Yukon Route on CN TOFC Club Cars to members. There’s still a few available for order. David Cook’s report from the East. Show & Tell: Bill’s paper tunnel; Neil Whitehead’s kitbashed postwar articulated giant; Vies’ collection of evolving Marx 333 steamers. Bing ‘The World Flyers’ toy. Nanaimo report and pictures. (COOTS meet). News FLASH – Weaver to close.

2015 September CTTA Canadian Flyer
PGE Caboose Artwork update. Weaver White Pass & Yukon Route on CN TOFC Club Cars delivered to members. The disposition of Weaver assets. Frank Schmidt’s wind up Marx Easter Bunny Train. David Cook’s report from the East, Halton County Radial Museum on the Grand River, Ont. Oceanic Tank Cars ? Sheyern Monastery, Bavaria, display. Aug 7 – 12, Old and New; submitted by Michel Berthet.

2015 October CTTA Canadian Flyer
Fall meeting BBQ. Annual General Meeting – election, presentation of budget and adoption of updated CTTA resolutions. Update to e-mailing policies and creation of opt-out list for promotional messages. Weaver White Pass & Yukon Route on CN TOFC Club Cars SOLD OUT. MTH PGE caboose ands Sunset/3rd Rail BC Rail Budd Cars expected in November. CTTA places 2nd at Lynden show. Stu Jackes’ model building services.

2015 November CTTA Canadian Flyer
Lynden, Chilliwack and Vancouver PNE train show photos. Report with pictures from CTTA group trip to York. Mark Horne Open House Dec 1, 2015. Order forms for B/A Bowtie Tanker and PGE Caboose. Report from the East – David Cook.

2014 Monthly Flyers

All issues of the Canadian Flyer feature: President’s report. Door prize and raffle prize winner photos, Upcoming events & club meets, Editor’s corner and always a few surprises! 

2014 November CTTA Canadian Flyer
– Chilliwack show, TCA York, PA report & pictures, Web site update, TCA PNW order for Chicago Milwaukee and Puget Sound reefer

2014 October CTTA Canadian Flyer
– September BBQ, CNPR in Saanich article, Marvelube mayhem, Montreal model train expo, 1:1 in Germany, Lynden Lions show

2014 September CTTA Canadian Flyer
– June BBQ, Live steam in Karlesruhe, Lionel repair centre, CN family day at Port Mann yard

2014 June CTTA Canadian Flyer
– New CTTA logo plaques, Bellingham Bay & British Columbia Railroad article, Italian trains

2014 May CTTA Canadian Flyer
– New CTTA mugs and badges, Bellingham Bay & British Columbia Railroad article, LCRU tip, Hitchcock new Lionel President

2014 April CTTA Canadian Flyer
– Dave Cook visit, last call for PGE TOFC, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe – The National Train Museum

2014 March CTTA Canadian Flyer
– Nanaimo Marathon Meeting Report, Larry Dingsdale, Zimbabwe – Victoria Falls to Bulawayo by train. A wanderer is returned

2014 February CTTA Canadian Flyer
 Layout Trailer rebrand, John Constible Trains, Munroe show pics, Charles Reif layout

2014 January CTTA Canadian Flyer
 November flood scramble, Walter William Halls, Central Hobbies, David Cook report from the east #1

Canadian Flyer Archives (2013 and Earlier)

2013 and earlier Monthly Flyers

2013 November V11.9:

-Kelly’s Caboose. York report and pictures. Chilliwack and Lyndon shows. David Cook in Ontario.
2013 October V11.8:

-Sept BBQ. AGM & election. 2013 Great Edmonton Model Train Show. Ann Elizabeth Hildred. BC Rail TOFC announced. Peter Tofield layout corner.
2013 September V11.7:

-June BBQ. BA & PGE car previews. BCR bulkhead flatcar. Layout – Island Group @ Saunders Subaru
2013 June V11.6:

-Olivia retires from KP. BA Oil prototype. Layout corner: Trestleosophy 101. Dave Cook at George’s Trains.
2013 May V11.5:

-BA TOFC on the way. Layout corner John Constible. Editorial by Charles Reif, on the new CTTA.
2013 April V11.4:

-Marius train collection. Announce BA Oil trailer on PGE flatcar (TOFC). Layout corner Gary & Katelon. Cocolate choo choo. Island show.
2013 March V11.3:

-New logo in the works for CTTA. Layout corner Eli Bryan Nelson.
2013 February V11.2:

-Update now that we are CTTA. How Canada got its second transcontinental railroad.
2013 January  V11.1:

-President’s report: announcing that we are now CTTA, Operating night, Puyallup show. Frank Horne. Marius Vos.

2012 Monthly Canadian Flyer Archives

2012 November V10.9, V10.8:

-Bus trip. Name the Club contest! Choose a logo. September BBQ. TCA PNW outreach. York, PA trip pics. York UK National Railway Museum.
2012 September V10.7:

-Independence Vote. BA tanker almost sold out. TCA Atlanta convention pics.
2012 June V10.6:

-Call for withdrawal from TTOS. BA tanker sales & pre-production art.
2012 May V10.5:

-The Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Railway. Layout Corner – Ken Lockley. Coors Light Express – Charles Reif.
2012 April V10.4:

-BC Rail flatcar sold out. Mark’s Operating night. Announcing BA Oil tanker. Canadian Cars parade pics. The Christmas Miracle – John Constible.
2012 March V10.3:

-PGE tanker sold out and delivered. Special edition Weaver BC rail bulkhead flatcar. Dr. Klinker’s Ocular Blinkers, by Eli Bryan Nelson. PRR Museum and National Toy Train Museum pics. Lionel instructional videos. A Real Canadian Railway tale.
2012 February V10.2:

-PGE tankers shipped. Order BC Rail TOFC. Layout corner Vies Szalanski. Bridge rectifier workshop. Cabinets of curiosities – Vies.
2012 January  V10.1:

-PGE tanker update. Bus trip and York pics. Hoge Streamliner at Nanaimo. Train station watches. Charles Reif backdrop & scenery workshop.

2011 Monthly Canadian Flyer Archives

2011 November V9.9:

-Dr. Klinker – A Celestial Tribute to Toy Trains. New Jersey Hi-railers layout pics. York, PA report & pics.
2011 October V9.8:

-Exec board relected. Meeting fee approved. Lynden, WA show pics. All Canadian Top 10 – Brian Torch. Dr. Klinker in Burnaby. Canadian Top 10 by Province. My Old Station House – Clark Gray.
2011 September V9.7:

-Summer BBQ. CP reefers arrive. Terry Bellinger. Exec proposal to raise meet fees. White Pass & Yukon. Sacred Places Top 10 railfan sites. Dr. Klinker.
2011 June V9.6:

-Nanaimo meet report. A bit of Canadian Railway History. Dr. Klinker in TTOS?
2011 May V9.5:

-CPR Reefers on the way. Hobby links. A short history of toy train motive power – Charles Reif. Peace Arch bridge. Who done it? Part 1.
2011 April V9.4:

-Mark’s 1st open house in Surrey. Three rail roach – Marchie. PNW/Can Div meet at Bellingham Railway Museum.
2011 March V9.3:

-Greetings from Australia. Jersey Hi-railers. Club wear. Margaret McCoy. Bill Campbell’s photo review.
2011 February V9.2:

-Announce PGE tanker. The King’s visit – Robin Tivy. Munroe show pics. Layout Corner: Mark Horne under construction. Twisted tracks pics. 1939 Royal Train roster link.
2011 January V9.1:

-BB&BC boxcar shipped. Mark & Laura open house. Charles Reif layout pics.

2010 Monthly Canadian Flyer Archives

2010 November V8.8:

-York Report. Charles Jackson tree machine. CP Express 53’6″ Woodside reefer order. Puyallup group.
2010 September V8.6:

-Last president’s report from David Cook. Thanks Gail Ferrier message.  New execs at AGM. June BBQ pics. Order CP car. BB&BC cars ships. Chehalis, WA fun with PNW and pics.
2010 May V8.5:

-David Cook steps down as President. New Volunteers needed. At Auction streamliner.
2010 April V8.4:

-March meet pics. CP 40′ woodside reefer order.
2010 March V8.3:

-Trains on stamps. Once, aboard a freight train – Jack Pollard short story.
2010 February V8.2:

-Vancouver Winter Olympics! Monroe show pics. TTOS Island layout at the Mall. Three rail roach letter from Marchie.
2010 January V8.1:

-Vote extension for TTOS electi0n. Nanaimo meet pics. Royal Hudson special run to White Rock. Order CP 40′ woodside reefer Club Car. Club layout at Chilliwack pics. Russ & Barb Etherington layout under construction. Dr. Clinker’s Seasonal Blinkers.

2009 Monthly Canadian Flyer Archives

2009 January, V7.1:

-Ladies appreciation, York pic. Passing of Edward White. Lionel licenses MTH for Tinplate.  Atlas O Canadian Northern woodside reefer order.
2009 February, V7.2:

-Auction process and payments update; When life deals us snow . . .we play with trains; Munroe show update; Pics of great tinplate at auction.
2009 March, V7.3:

-Munroe show pics; Membership reaches a high of 104; meeting pics.
2009 April V7.4:

-Selling Frank Horne’s 6464’s. David Scott logowear. Joint meet with TTOS PNW at Bellingham; Passing of Harry Wright; Royal Hudson excursions; 4 pages of meeting pics!
2009 May V7.5:

-Logo wear sells. Remembering Martha Perinice & Fritz Nussli. Bill Stephenson honoured for 60 years of firefighting service.
2009 June, V7.6:

-Train fun south of the border; 2009 Canadian Northern club car prototype photos. 2009 TTOS National Convention.
2009 September V7.7:

-Sights from Chicago; Special report from 2009 TTOS National Convention. Chicago – Lots of trains to check out in the Windy City.
2009 October V7.8:

-Mainland layout set up at Lynden show; Announcing Bellingham Bay and British Columbia Railway club car.
2009 November V7.9:

-Lynden & Chilliwack shows. Passing of Brian Asp. Layout corner Bill & Judy Spaulding; Mainland layout at Lynden pics. Last call for Bellingham Bay woodside reefer. Happy 29th to David Cook & Gail Ferrier.

2008 Monthly Canadian Flyer Archives

2008 January V6.1:

-David Cook runs for TTOS National President, Brian Fields elected. Layout corner Mike Woodley.
2008 February V6.2:

-Gord Hall’s Christmas layout. Could it happen here? Boy wreaks havoc playing with city’s trains. Announcing 2010 TTOS National Convention in Vancouver.
2008 March V6.3:

-President’s Report only.
2008 April V6.4:

-TTOS National Convention confirmed for Vancouver. Order a Canadian Pacific woodside reefer.
2008 May V6.5:

-Wear tour TTOS name tag! CP 2816 special excursion.
2008 June V6.6:

-Great pics from the meet Buy & Sell.
2008 July V6.7:

-CP Woodside reefers delivered. 2008 TTOS convention Sacramento. Summer BBQ and meet pics. A new Spin in Garden Layouts – Mike Woodley; Lionel announces Lionel Postwar Conventional Classics. TTOS Victoria Garden Party.
2008 October V6.8:

-AGM report. James Cook says “I Do”. Announcing 2009 Canadian Northern reefer club car.
2008 November V6.9:

-Chilliwack show report & pics.

2007 Monthly Canadian Flyer Archives

2007 January V5.1:

-Order form for Atlas O Grand Trunk Pacific Woodside Reefer Club Car. Notice of expenditure. November bus trip report and pics. TTOS Members get around. Club layout at Cameron show. Layout corner – Bill & Judy Spalding.
2007 February V5.2:

-TTOS members get around. Notice of expenditure motion for February meeting.
2007 March V5.3:

-Update from Cameron show and Mark Horne open house pictures. Taking orders for Atlas O Grand Trunk Pacific Woodside Reefer Club Car. Announcing TTOS Altoona Convention.
2007 April V5.4:

-(Title page says March V5.3) TTOS Canadian Division wins 1st & 2nd at Cameron show. Layout corner – Bill & Judy Spalding. Announcing photo slide show at next meet. Altoona convention agenda and order form for 2007 convention car – Lionel & AF 2 bay hopper.
2007 May V5.5:

-Joint meeting with TTOS PNW division. TTOS National Convention Car order.
2007 June V5.6:

-Victoria Toy Show; Jim Barrett open house.
2007 September V5.7:

-Summer BBQ. Jim Barrett hosts a ‘how to do it’ for casting lead figures. GTP reefer still available to order. Notice of AGM.
2007 October V5.8:

-President’s award for Doug Crowdy. GTP reefer shipped. Passing of Tom Kozar. CNR open house photos.
2007 November V5.9:

-Chilliwack show report and pictures. The Brian & Wendy Kelly story, Kelly’s Caboose. Cameron Show pics. Announcing Canadian Pacific 40′ Woodside Reefer club car. Bachmann buys Williams Electric Trains. Tin plate treasures found at Cal Stewart, Pasadena.

2006 Monthly Canadian Flyer Archives

2006 January V4.1:
2006February V4.2:
2006 March V4.3:
2006 April V4.4:
2006 May V4.5:
2006 June V4.6:
2006 September V4.7:
2006 October V4.8:
2006 November V4.9:

2005 Monthly Canadian Flyer Archives

2005 January V3.1
2005 February V3.2
2005 March V3.3
2005 April V3.4
2005 May V3.5
2005 June V3.6
2005 September V3.7
2005 October V3.8
2005 November V3.9

2004 Canadian Flyer Monthly Archives

2004 January V2.1
2004 February V2.2
2004 March V2.3
2004 April V2.4
2004 May V2.5
2004 June V2.6
2004 July V2.7
2004 September V2.8:
2004 October V2.9
2004 November V2.10

 2003 Canadian Flyer Monthly Archives

2003 July V1.4
2003 September V1.5
2003 October V1.6
2003 November V1.7

Thanks for reading and enjoying the Canadian Toy Trains Association’s Canadian Flyer !